Wow, I can't believe how fast the last two years has gone. Jaclyn has been such a blessing to our family and we can't imagine not having her around. As some of you may remember Jaclyn's birth was not easy for me. I wrote about it
here I still remember the fear I felt in the O.R. and during the time it took the doctors to take her out and then not to hear any noise or cry from her for a few minutes was a very scary moment. I was thankful that God was in control and that he was taking care of every aspect of Jaclyn's birth.
These days you can hear my little girl talking, giggling and even crying sometime. I love listening to her learn new words and try to count with her brother. She is an amazing little girl and I am looking forward to watching her grow every year!
These were taken today well the kids were playing with Jaclyn's new Winnie the Pooh toys!

My Baby is Two
What sweet kiddos you have! Happy Birthday to your baby girl! Thank you for entering the giveaway.. Feel free to enter as many times as you like...
Hello...yes they did grow so fast..and time flies by in a blink of an eye!! thanks for following my blog:)) Have a great Tuesday!
Happy Birthday! Well, it's time to have another one... ;) haha
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