I am really frustrated right now! For over a year now I have been trying to have our couches fixed. Let me explain to you a little about what that has been like for me and my frustrations. It all started when we put our belongings into storage when we were moves during my last few weeks of pregnancy with Jaclyn.
We moved into our new place and three weeks later Jaclyn was born. When Jaclyn was two weeks old I was sitting on the couch nursing her with David sitting beside me watching a movie. I looked over at David and that's when I saw them. I had silver fish crawling on the back of my couch. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about they are these really gross insects that hatched in my couch when it was in storage. Here is a picture
I was so disgusted that I got off the couch so fast. In one hand I was still holding Jaclyn as she nursed and in the other I had David. Then I called my mom upset that I had these bugs on my couch and I had a new baby and a young toddler not to mention Chris was working. Did I mention that I had a c-section with Jaclyn and that I was still not allowed to hold anything heavier then my baby or clean. I called my mom and she came over to help me clean and figure out what to do next. On her way over my brother Jeremiah called her to say he was on his way over for a visit. My mom explained my situation and he said he would meet her at my house. When my brother arrived at my house the first thing he did was get the disgusting silverfish infested couch out of my house. Then my mom and brother cleaned my whole house for me, such a blessing!
Chris and I had some money saved at the time, we decided to go and buy some new couches with our money. Chris and I have always wanted leather couches so we figured that now would be the best time to buy them. We had a budget and we new that we could stay with in it.
We found a beautiful dark brown leather set of couches that we both loved and they were in our price range. We bought them!!
After owning them for one year I noticed one day that our love seat had a small tear in the seat. I contacted the company that we bought it from to have them fix it, after all I did buy the warranty. After having a tech come out and look at my couch I was told that the damage was not their responsibility but was a manufactures defect. I then contacted the manufacturer and they told me that it was not their problem either. For over 8 months both myself and Chris have had many conversations with both the company and manufacturer and after months of getting passed off to one manager to another we were told that it was MY problem and that I was responsible to have it repaired. Even though BOTH companies admitted to me that my couches were made with faulty leather.
Over the last few months I have been looking for a local company that would be able to fix my couches and not cost me a ridiculous amount of money. Most companies I have talked to have told me it will cost me $150 to have someone come out to my house and then give me an estimate. I figured if its going to cost me that much just for an estimate then they will be over charging for a repair as well. Then yesterday I found a company who could do an estimate for me over email, all I have to do is send them pictures of the damage. I was thinking, great finally a place that will have decent prices. I received an email today with my estimate.
Here is the breakdown for my repair:
repair: $1650.00
pick-up/delivery: $170.00
taxes: $????
Total Cost: $1820.00 plus tax
That is crazy!!! I only paid $2000.00 for my couches new. As wonderful as my couches are they are not worth $4000.00.
After over a year of talking with different company about my couches I have decided to make custom covers for the seats of the couches. I am determined to make my couches look fantastic with there custom covers. I am not sure as to when the covers will be finished but when they are I will post some pictures of the final product.
I am now looking for ideas on color and fabric.
What type of fabric would you use? What color?

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