This afternoon during nap time David came out of his room half asleep holding his pillow so I picked him up and put him in my bed to finish his nap with me. As soon as he was covered he promptly went back to sleep.
Here are some pictures I took of him as he was starting to wake up.
David is such a good sleeper and will sleep just about anywhere. He has even slept on the floor of a friends house when we were visiting, all the matters to him is that he knows that I am close.

What a sweetie. There's nothing more precious than sleeping kids is there...
I just wanted you to know that I love the Tinkerbell cake and my daughter could not wait to get the pink power ranger off her cake many years ago. Also I took a pic of my daughter sleeping on her birthday every year till she was 18 years old. She hated it. Happy memories.
Following you from MBC
Jeanette Huston
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