I can't believe that my baby girl is one years old.
This last year has gone by so fast (actually it has gone by too fast). I found myself trying to savor every bit of Jaclyn's babyhood. She is our last baby and I wanted to remember everything about it, not that I don't remember what David was like as a baby but the time went so fast.
Jaclyn is such a wonderful addition to our family and we feel that our family is complete. For those of you who haven't met her, she is a very serious baby (I believe I blogged about that in an earlier post) however she has so much more to her personality already that we wonder what kind of lady she will grow into. She is funny, sneaky (she surprises David all the time), stubborn, active, noisy and loves to make faces. We have really enjoyed this last year with her in our lives and David adores her.

Some highlights of our weekend are:
We took the sky train into Vancouver on Friday to go shopping in Metrotown with David and Jaclyn's grandparents. It was the first time we have taken the kids on the sky train and they both loved it and it was nice to share that first with their grandparents.
We had an open house party for her on Saturday and some of her aunts, uncles and grandparents were here. Some of her great aunts and uncles were able to be here as well.
Jaclyn shares her birthday with my grandfather as well as my bother. So March 8th is a great celebration for our family.
This year my grandfather (Jaclyn's great-grandfather) turned 75 and my mom had a birthday party for him on Sunday (their actually birthday) which is why some of her extended family was in town. Jaclyn's uncle turned 17 that day as well.
This past weekend was a fun party weekend!!
David and Jaclyn slept hard and long every night this weekend.

Jaclyn loved her ice cream cake!!
I am looking forward to what this year will bring. I expect her to be walking on her own soon and I am looking forward to having her talk more. I am also excited to see how the interaction between David and Jaclyn develops.

Jaclyn's 1st Birthday