God made only one version of you. He custom designed you for a one-of-a-kind assignment.
You are heaven's Halley's comet; we have one chance to see you shine.
You offer a gift to the world that no one else brings. So find it and bring it!
And when you do, both you and God will smile.
My Review
I received a copy of You can be Everything God Wants You to Be by Max Lucado from Booksneeze.
The main message of the book, to look for the calling that God has equipped you to do, and not try to be something you are not made for, is a great and needed message. I loved many of the points made by Lucado throughout the book, and some phrases came out as real gems, capturing the point well. Like many others who have worked with youth, I have seen many people trying to be like someone else, and it doesn't work with their talents and gifts and I have seen the heartbreak as they see themselves not able to do what they want. The world's adage of "you can be anything you want to be" can really encourage people to pursue goals that don't fit them and often do not satisfy themselves even when they can get there. So for that reason, my overall feelings towards this book are positive.
My issues with the book come mostly out of the formatting. There are "chapters" breaks roughly every 3 pages, in each case Lucado switches gears somewhat to explore a new part of his point. Throughout my reading, I often felt that the last portion was not fully developed and even sometimes reread the previous pages to see if I had missed a portion to explain for the lack of development. It seems to me that this book may have been rushed to print before it was fully ready, a good rewrite to flesh out more of the points would have made this book better and more effective in engaging people's lives and making the book more applicable for more than a quick read by new graduates.
My only real issue over the content itself was concerning the lack of any allowance that God may develop new gifts, passions and talents; or change the ones he has already given, throughout someone's life. The lack of this allowance might straitjacket people into one specific role past the time when they might be most effective and fulfilled within it.
All that being said, this book was enjoyable and would be a great gift for a new graduate or college student. I would give it a 3 out of 5.
I am a member of Thomas Nelson Publishers Booksneeze program. Thomas Nelson provided me with a free copy if this book in exchange for my review of this book and I am not required to provide a favorable review.

Hi there. I stumbled upon your blog through "mommy bloggers group". I am a new blogger. I just wanted to tell you that I really like your blog. I am always looking for good christian books and blogs to encourage and inspire me. That book you reviewed looks really good. I will continue to check back on your blog and look forward to new posts :)
Thanks for your review. I'm reviewing this one as well.
Looks like a great book, I also like his other book, The Cure for the Common Life.
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