I got this Honest Scrap Award from a fellow blogger
Shash. I have really enjoy reading her blog and I hope you check her blog out as well
Sasher's Life. Thanks for the award!
What I have to do with this award is write 10 random honest things about me and then pass it on to 10 other bloggers. So here are my ten random things.
10 Honest things about me
1. I love cleaning, my house is not always how I would like it now that I have kids but I still enjoy cleaning.
2. I love to bake. I am really getting into making and decorating cakes.
3. Organizing is one of my favorite things to do. I try and organize our house a couple of times a year which includes throwing out or donating what we can't or don't use anymore.
4. I have had more knee operations then most professional athletes (four in total to date)
5. I grew up in a bigger city but have always wanted to live in a smaller town outside of the city.
6. I learned to drive on a 15 passenger van. (I come from a large family)
7. I love a good cup of tea
8. Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks
9. I love cozy blankets, my husband tells me that we have enough but I always want more.
10. I love working with people with special needs. I get energized helping them discover who they are and what they can do. (before we had kids I was a care worker)
I would like to pass this award on to:
Just Thoughts (Amanda went to college with my husband and I have only met her though the blogging world, our kids are close in age and we have a lot in common)
Colin, Jinny and Liam's Life (Jinny & her husband also went to school with my husband. Even though I have only met Jinny in person once I think that she is really fun and wish we lived closer so we could hang out)
The Bear Family (my sister-in-law's blog. I love reading her blog and seeing pictures of my adorable nephews)
Little Miss Sunshine (again someone I have only met though the blogging world. My husband went to school with her and her husband)
Big Brown Blog (Erin is a great blogger and I wanted to give her this award. She just had a baby girl last weekend so she may not be able to respond. Erin's son Cole is a couple of weeks younger then my daughter. It's nice having another mom blogger who is going through the same stages as I am)
Inside BruCrew Life (Jocelyn is a stay-at-home-mom and pastors wife. She has a fun blog that I enjoy reading it)
Tara's View of the World (Tara is a wonderful blogger and always look forward to reading her blog. We have only met in person once, however we have talked on the phone and over the internet lots. One day we will be able to sit and have a cup of tea together)
I encourage you to go and check out these blogs. These moms are wonderful woman and dedicated moms who write about their lives as mothers. They have been an encouragement to me as a mother and I hope that you have a chance to read and be encouraged by them as well.
My giveaway for a $40.00 gift certificate at CSN Stores is closing on May 12.
here to enter, there are only 49 entries so your chances are good.

Honest Scrap Award