Yesterday I took Jaclyn into the doctors for the second time in two weeks. When I first took her to see the doctor two weeks ago she had a double ear infection, so she was put on antibiotics. Then six days after she finished her antibiotics (yesterday) I had her back into the doctors to have her checked out again. Again she has a double ear infection.
This is her third set of ear infections in the last four months, and her fifth or six in her three years of life.
Our doctor told me that because she has had 5 or 6 ear infections that it is now time to look into some deeper issues in her ears. They are now sending us to see a Ears/Nose/Throat doctor.
I am now starting to wonder the allergy she had to milk when she was an infant is effecting her ears now. My husband and I are talking about changing Jaclyn's diet and taking her off of milk for the next little while to see if that helps. We are also deciding if we should take her off of cheese and yogurt as well. Unfortunately yogurt and cheese are some of her favorite foods and I am not sure how that one will go.
I feel so bad for my little girl and the pain that she has been in, I just want to help her.
Have any of you had children with chronic ear infections? If so what did you end up doing?

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