Here is the write up on the back of the book:
"Cincinnati Reds pitcher Frank Pastore stepped onto the mound in Dodger Stadium to throw another fastball - something he'd done thousands of times since childhood. But this time was different. The batter connected and the ball came rocketing back to the mound, shattering not only Frank's pitching elbow - but also his dream of getting "rich and famous" through Major League Baseball.
As he waled to the training room, Frank found himself asking a God he didn't believe in, "Why is this happening to me?"
There was no answer - at least not then.
It was this injury that sent Frank, a lifelong atheist, on a journey that would change not only his mind but also his whole life - as a husband, father, friend, and troubled son.
We all know the pain of shattered dreams. We've all wondered how to pick up the broken pieces after a crisis. We've all wondered, "Where is God?" when life hurts so bad.
This is a story of how the fragments of broken dreams can be reassembles into even bigger and better things. A story of how, when life's disasters and difficulties knock us down, they don't have to destroy us.
This is a story that shows how all of us can come to know we're in God's good hands.
Even when we're shattered."
My Review:
I thought that Shattered: Struck Down But Not Destroyed to be well written and enjoyable read. I found myself feeling different emotions well reading at points I was sad, happy, curious and wanted to read more and find out how God had worked in his life. Frank Pastore was very open and honest about his life as an atheist and then about his life as a christian. With so many books out there that talk about how becoming a christian is easy and then your life after-wards will be a walk in the park it was nice to read a story about someone who has struggled both before coming to Christ and then again after. Most people feel that once they make that step to become a christian that their life will be easy every step of the way. Frank talks about how he has had to learn how to be forgiven, to forgive others and how to communicate in a why that honors God.
Even though I have not had the same life as Frank Pastore I was able to relate to aspects of his life and his struggles. His honesty about how God has taught him how to be the man that God wants him to be was encouraging and I will be recommending this book.
Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my review of this book and I am not required to provide a favorable review.

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