I don't know where to begin.........I guess I should start at the beginning.
On Saturday I got a call saying that my Grandmother was not doing well, her health was failing.
Chris and I started to talk about the possibilities that I go out to be with the rest of my family. That night we decided to wait until we had more information.
On Sunday (Father's Day) we spent the morning as a family with the kids "helping" me make Chris breakfast and then we spent some time together. We also decided to stay home from church that day because we needed to get things done around our house and I was waiting on a call.
In the afternoon I got a call saying that things didn't look good for my Grandma. I hung up the phone and Chris and I decided that as soon as we could get everything packed and in the car we would leave to be with my family. I called my mom and told her the we would be leaving with in the hour. We managed to get everything packed and leaving just over an hour later.
Just over half way through our trip our car started to act up, it started to shutter and then it would stall (we have an automatic). It was also having trouble gaining speed at different points. At one point we were gaining speed to get up a hill when we were pulled over by an RCMP officer.
So on top of everything else we were dealing with now we got pulled over, it turned out to be a good thing.
Anyways, we stopped and the RCMP officer heard our car making funny noises. He told us that he wouldn't give us a ticket but he would escort us to the next town and see what he could do for us. It turned out that he had only been out of depo for six months and that before he was a mechanic. He listened to our car and said that he thought it was more then bad gas (which is what we thought) he also told us that driving the rest of the way would be risky for our car. Unfortunately we didn't have the money to get a hotel that night, in fact we were stretching ourselves just to get me and the kids out there in the first place. So after Chris talked to him about the best way to drive our car the rest we were back on the road to finish our trip.
We arrived at my parents house at 4:30am. We were all tired and Chris and I were tense with our car acting up. The kids did amazing on the drive, they fell asleep later then normal but they still slept for a good portion of the trip. We knew by now that Chris would not be able to drive our car all the way home again on Monday afternoon with out getting it into a shop to get fixed. My wonderful parents lent us one of their vehicles for Chris to drive home and I will be getting our car into the shop soon to have it fixed. I have the best parents!!
An hour after arriving here my wonderful Grandmother took her last breath here on earth.
There is a part of me that is really sad that I will not be able to sit with my grandmother who has been a huge part of my life. I am sad that I will not be able to hear her voice or see her smile or give her one more hug.
I have so many memories of my Grandmother as a little girl, I remember having sleepovers at her house.
I am very happy that my children have both spent time with her and that I have pictures of them together.
I still remember calling her before David had his eye surgery and talking about what it was like as a mother with your child going through that kind of surgery, she had two children go through the same surgery. She was an amazing mother to my dad and his siblings. She always had more then enough love for all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
Most of all what I will remember about my Grandma is that she was a woman who loved God, her husband, children (both the ones she birthed and the ones that married into the family), her grandchildren and her great grandchildren.
I will always Love her and be Thankful for the lessons that she taught me in life
and for having a wonderful relationship with her.
Grandma and David
Grandma and Jaclyn
Grandma and my nephew Colby
I love you Grandma and you will always be missed!
An hour after arriving here my wonderful Grandmother took her last breath here on earth.
There is a part of me that is really sad that I will not be able to sit with my grandmother who has been a huge part of my life. I am sad that I will not be able to hear her voice or see her smile or give her one more hug.
I have so many memories of my Grandmother as a little girl, I remember having sleepovers at her house.
I am very happy that my children have both spent time with her and that I have pictures of them together.
I still remember calling her before David had his eye surgery and talking about what it was like as a mother with your child going through that kind of surgery, she had two children go through the same surgery. She was an amazing mother to my dad and his siblings. She always had more then enough love for all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
Most of all what I will remember about my Grandma is that she was a woman who loved God, her husband, children (both the ones she birthed and the ones that married into the family), her grandchildren and her great grandchildren.
I will always Love her and be Thankful for the lessons that she taught me in life
and for having a wonderful relationship with her.
Grandma and David
Grandma and Jaclyn
Grandma and my nephew Colby
I love you Grandma and you will always be missed!

I'm so sorry for your loss Katherine. *hugs*
That's so sweet Katherine. Brought memories back for me too and made me smile. She was a wonderful woman and Grandmother.
Eric B.
I'm very sorry.
Good memories are the best!
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