I was recently sent a copy of Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room, written by Nancy Guthrie to review.
Book Summary:
How many Christmas mornings have you found your family gathered around the tree with presents beautifully wrapped and a scrumptious feast on the table - but with hearts that have not been prepared to truly take in the wonder of God's becoming human? Not this year.
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room, a family Advent devotional from Bible teacher and mom Nancy Guthrie, is designed to bring your family together during a season that is often too much about programs and presents and simply not enough about Jesus. Along with devotions for every day in December, this resource includes popular Christmas carols and discussion questions that will draw your elementary through high school age kids into the conversation, transforming this time together from a dry lecture into a treasured family experience.
My Review:
I really appreciated how in this book, each devotional portion is shorter. This is so that when I am reading it with my young children they are able to keep focused, and I believe that the same would go for families with older kids. There is also scripture throughout each devotional, which is something that I find very important. I find I am able to read a devotional all the way through when there are Bible verses through out and not just someones opinion. There are also some great discussion questions to get your families conversation started.
For those families that are wanting to keep the conversation going there is a section called: More from the Bible - This section gives a deeper look into other sections that relate to the devotional that was just read.
Throughout this book there are sections where you are able to write out discussions and prayer request that as a family you can look back at and see how God in working in your life.
Another bonus with this book that I appreciated was the music that was brought in.There are some classic Christmas hymns that are written throughout, with Nancy giving the history of where the that particular hymn comes from and how it relates to the devotional.
I also appreciated how this Christmas Advent devotional goes through all 31 days of December and not just the first 25 until Christmas day. Recognizing that the birth is not the end of the story is something that needs to be developed as I work through the meaning of Christmas with my children.
Overall I really enjoyed this book and I am excited to go through it as a family during the Christmas season.
Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book for me to review.
I am not required to give a positive opinion but I am required to give my honest opinion.

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