Five years ago yesterday I gave birth to our son David.
On that hot day five years ago our lives forever were changed, with the birth of David.
Now both Chris and I new that our lives were about to change after all I was pregnant for 42 weeks.
Even though we thought we were ready to become parents, while as ready as we could be for new parents. Nothing could have prepared us for such an amazing adventure like being David's parents.
Some of the things that I have noticed about David over the last five years are that he is curious about everything, he cares about other peoples feeling, he wants to be the best big brother to Jaclyn. He is also loving, sensitive, funny and creative. He loves to use his imagination and often becomes Batman, Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, Green lantern or any other superhero at anytime. He still likes to cuddle!
He also doesn't like surprises, he would much rather know what the surprise is and act surprised then actually be surprised.
9 days old
5 years old
Happy Birthday David!!
I am happy that God chose me to be your mom, I am blessed everyday by you and I look forward to many more birthdays with you and watching you learn more about the world around you and discovering life!

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