Well it has been awhile since I last blogged. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
We had a nice Christmas here, it was quiet and wonderful. Well most of it was..............you see Jaclyn got sick, very sick. For the last seven weeks or so one of my kids has been sick. They have both had colds and flu's and have past them back and forth. David even had a chest infection at one point. When one of them starts to get better the other one gets sick again and the cycle starts again. Well David is finally healthy again and Jaclyn was starting to get better or so I thought.
On Christmas eve Jaclyn started to show signs of getting sick again. So I made sure she got extra rest in hopes of beating whatever was coming. Then on Christmas day she had less energy and started to get worse. Boxing day she wanted me to hold her all day and she was coughing more. That evening she spent most of the night sleeping in my arms. She was having problems breathing and was coughing more. I think I slept under two hours that night. On Saturday morning I brought her to the clinic and the doctor told me she had a throat infection and the beginnings of a chest infection. He put her on penicillin. This morning I brought her into my doctor and he agreed that she has a throat and chest infection. He also sent her for a chest x-ray. They are now watching her for signs of pneumonia. I should be getting some answers this week. They are also waiting to see how the penicillin helps her. It has been a struggle to get fluids and medicine in her. She doesn't want to drink very much right now or eat anything and she really hates the whole medicine idea.
Over the last few nights I have had Jaclyn sleep in our room. She seems to be the worst at night and I feel better having her close so I can monitor her breathing. Unfortunately I have had very little sleep since Christmas. So I am tired!
On a happier note Jaclyn said "dada" on Christmas eve. And on boxing day she said "mama" which has now turned into "mom". Its really cute when she says "dada" she will look everywhere for Chris and once she sees him she will smile. If I put her down to get something she will follow me crying and saying "mom-mom". She is also trying really hard to walk, well she was before she got sick this week.

1 comment:
oh Katherine, I'm so sorry... and I can SOOOO relate! All three of my kids have pneumonia right now. The boys have been on a prescription for since Christmas Eve and are starting to get better. Olivia had to start a nebulizer machine today (steams meds into a mask that goes over her nose and mouth for easier breathing) and she HATES HATES HATES it. Screams the whole time. But at least it is helping her breath.
I'm exhausted too.
We are going on a big trip this weekend... candidating. Ya. East. They asked us just before Christmas and so off we go. We've all been so sick I haven't really thought much about it (Doug and I are sick too) but now that we are leaving in 3 days I'm feeling nervous. We are taking the kids with us.
This is a long comment. Sorry!
I'll be praying for a quick recovery!
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