Jaclyn is growing so fast. She is just over four months now and she loves to play and laugh with David. He also loves to play with her, they have a lot of fun together.
Jaclyn is always trying to sit on her own, she really enjoys the ability to see what is going on around her. So Chris and I decided to buy her a Bumbo seat. She loves it and so does David!! We never bought one for him because we didn't think that he would like it. Normally those seats are used and fit babies up to about a year I think. Well David is small and fits in the seat still and even fits in it with the tray on it. Yes he is that small!!

We never had a bumbo... I didn't find out about them until it was too late :) Are both your kids small or just David?
i was looking at them and was thinking that i want one! So they are worth it?
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