David loves to help me do the laundry, in fact when I go to the laundry room he follows me to help put things in the dryer. The other day my friend was over and brought me some of her girls clothes to borrow for Jaclyn. When we were sorting through the clothes David decided that he really liked this one shirt with Eeyore on it as well as ears and hair on the hood. It was really cute and funny to see him trying to put the shirt on so my girlfriend helped him get it on and we took pictures of him. He also went and looked in the mirror at himself and was very proud of himself. He then played in the shirt for a little while. It was very funny!!
David also likes to go into Jaclyn room and pull out her clothes and play with them. He even tries to put on some of them.
In the last two weeks David has become very concerned when someone other then me or Chris is holding Jaclyn. We could have family or friends holding her and he starts to get really upset and sometimes even cries. I have to tell him that its OK and that I have given permission for that person to hold her. Its great that he loves her so much. He still has a problem with me holding another baby. In David's eyes I am only aloud to hold him or Jaclyn.

Awww, David sounds like such a sweet big brother. :)
I love the eyore ears!
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