Jaclyn is starting to feel better now, I have been feeding her extra feeds in hopes that it helps her get over her cold faster. She has also been sleeping a lot which is also good.
David is still sick with his cold and is still clingy to me, he usually is when he is sick. I think that the most frustrating thing for me is that he is not sleeping as much as he should be for a sick child, not enough for a healthy child for that matter. He is waking up at night and is fighting me with all of his energy (and that's a lot for a sick child) for his nap times. I am praying that he gets better really soon and that his sleeping goes back to normal as well.
As you can imagine I am very tired and still recovering for surgery. So please pray that my kids get better and that I am able to get some rest.

1 comment:
Oh Katherine, I will most certainly pray for you! I have 3 sick kids over here as well. No rest for us mommies.
I'm thinking of you!
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