And now for an update on David. He sits on his own and as I wrote in the last blog he has two teeth and his third tooth is on its way in. He loves everything about his toes, as you can see in these pictures as he is rubbing his toes together, we have more pictures where he is sucking them. We never knew that toes could be so fascinating, but then again, we are fairly used to having them...
David has also found his voice, now he has been doing the baby talk thing for a while now but he is getting much better at control as he moves his mouth to make different sounds, not to mention adding a whole new area of high pitches (and I mean high). He will just sit and talk for a long time now, most of it being high enough to be understood by dolphins and other marine animals. It has really been interesting watching him as he surprises himself by his noises.
A new growth spurt is on the way, which means it is yet again time to say goodbye to some of our favorite outfits that are now sadly too small for him. It's amazing how fast he goes through it. It will be nice when he will stay in the same size for at least half a year. Oh well, on the plus side, there are a bunch of new hand me downs for us to go through...So goes the life of parents.
Heimsoth's out

Wow! ... David is growing so fast it is incredible. It is still so great to be able to see him grow for those of us who can't be there seeing him in person as much as we'd like ... Thanks Chris and Katherine for each and every posting!
Love Greg and Lynn
Hey Katherine
I hope you read your comments.... the pastor's wives retreat is being put on by our district superintendent's wife Glendyne Gerrard. I think she is also the alliance women's president right now. You can email her through our district website and perhaps she knows of other retreats. I sure wish you were in our district, that would be so much fun!
By the way, David is super cute. How's motherhood treating you?
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