I haven't been able to sit at my computer much lately, and because of that I haven't been as active blogging lately. To make up for this, I thought I would share with you some of the things I have been doing these past few weeks.
Many of you know that I love to work in my kitchen. This love, along with having two children, has led me into making a lot of cakes.
It all started a few years ago with making a cake for my son's second birthday. Then it was all the children's birthdays. Pretty soon I was making cakes for holidays, seasonally, and more often than not, just to try new ideas and techniques. This brought me to the point where I was asked to do my first wedding cake this summer, which was certainly raising the stakes but it was also a lot of fun.
Since we have moved, it soon got out that I like to make cakes. It wasn't too long until someone asked if I sold any of my cakes. (It is amazing how things move forward without you expecting it at times!)
I have to admit that I have been playing around with the idea of starting a small business out of my home making and selling cakes, so this hasn't been completely out of the blue, but still...
So, now I am starting to sell cakes, but I still haven't had a chance to write up a business plan or even make business cards yet. I am also still working out a lot of crucial details such as how much I want to add into our already busy schedules or even how much I should be charging.
All that aside, here are some the cakes I have made this last little while.
If you want to see some of the other cakes I have done over the years. I have another blog called HobbyCakes where I have posted some pictures of some of the other cakes I have done.

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