I know I am a couple of weeks late, but I still don't have Internet at my house. Soon....very soon I will again.
I can't believe how fast my kids are growing up. It feels like David was just a baby and now he is in school.
Now I know its only pre-school but its still school and its still time that he is away from me during the day.
Both Chris and I have always wanted to have our kids in a French program at school. Chris was in French immersion for nine years of his schooling and sees the benefits as an adult with learning and understanding other languages and we wanted to give our kids a chance to learn a second language and what better time to learn then in school. In fact we have enrolled David in a full French school.
He loves school so much!
His favorite class so far is craft time and he really likes to play with his friends in his class.
I tried to take some pictures of David on his first day of school and these are the only ones he would let me take. As soon as I pulled out my camera he said "Mom, what are you doing with the camera? I have to go to school and I don't have time for you to take my picture, they are going to be waiting for me. Let's go!"
So I quickly took three pictures and then we were in the car on the way to school.
Here is David holding his lunch kit that he picked out by himself.
Batman is his new favorite superhero. If you ask him what Batman does he will tell you that Batman saves people from bad guys.

So cute! I am glad you shared.
I love his cute impatient face, lol. :)
haha, that's so cute. Love the lunch box.
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