Review: DVD/Book Curriculum "She's got issues"
I was given the chance to review the DVD/Book "She's Got Issues" from Tyndale House Publishing.
There are a lot of Women's bible study video curriculum's out there, and many of them are fine for a group that mainly wants to just spend time with each other and have fun. But if there is genuine desire to grow spiritually, then it is a bit harder to find a good group study for you. It is a balance of real life questions and looking at uncomfortable realities of who we are but doing it in a way that feels safe for those in it. That is the target of Nicole Unice's book and DVD, and I think that it was a success.
Right from the introduction, she acknowledges the fact that this does not have a simple self-help formula of "do these five things and this will happen in your life", but instead seeks to look into the things in our life that hinder us from experiencing the kind of faith life God intends us. It is encouraging us to face the issues we have that we don't like to admit to, even to ourselves.
Maybe you are a planner (control freak), you get to look at how there are some things we are supposed to take charge of, and some things that we are not, all from a solid scriptural base. And then there are some practical outflow of how to move in the right direction. The following studies flow out of this first one in the same way, looking at our insecurity, comparison, fear, anger and unforgiveness. I would be surprised if there are any of us who do not need to look at some of these issues, and the way they are gone through is very helpful.
Some highlights in this study are the following: there is a lot of very powerful scripture that deals with these issues; the way the DVD studies are created, it is laid out very clearly for groups and builds in times for prayer, journaling and even doing some of the background work in the group if your group is not able to do the work beforehand; I like that there is a pdf on the dvd that can be printed off for all who are working through this study; the heart that comes through the study that speaks of a genuine desire to see people grow.
I was given a free copy of this study in exchange for my review. The views expressed in this review are my own.

She's Got Issues DVD/Book Review