First I am sorry that I have not been blogging over the last couple of months. We moved our computer downstairs and I am not able to get to it as easily with David. We have recently bought a laptop so I should be able to keep up a bit more with my blogging.
So here is an update. David turned one in July and we had a wonderful time for his birthday. I will post pictures a little later. David has also become more confident in walking, he first started to walk when he was 10 months old but fell and
scared himself, this continued to happen until he was 13 months old. Once David got over his fear of walking he started to walk very carefully but he was still nervous about walking anywhere other then at home. For the last couple of weeks he has become more confident in his walking and walks in public places. Chris and I are very proud of him!! David now has 10 teeth and three more coming soon. He eats everything that we offer him it is nice not having a picky eater.
We took David camping for the first time and he seemed to enjoy himself, we are looking forward to camping with him next summer.

So Its been a long time.....