Well this was our first Christmas and New Years with David. It was a lot of fun making new traditions with David. He wasn't to sure about what Christmas presents were or what we were doing. We gave him a floor gym (a mat that has toys hanging over it) for David to play with. This is one of his new favorite toys, when we pull it out for him he gets a big smile and starts leaning towards it. He also enjoys his Baby Einstein movies and sometimes he will watch them well playing on his floor gym.
On New years David's schedule was off for most of the day so instead of him going to bed at 10:30pm he was in bed at 11:45pm. (we think he wanted to be involved with the celebrations of 2007) We had some friends over for the evening and played games and had a wonderful time bringing in the new year with friends. By the end of the night we were all falling asleep. Apparently once you have kids it is harder to stay up. (and Chris says we are getting old)
We hope that you all had a great holiday season and enjoy 2007.
Katherine, Chris and David

Ringing in the New Year