Heimsoth's out

Monkey see....
Big Boy Bed
So David is 11 and a half weeks now and is becoming more interactive with both the camera and the people around him. Actually David is becoming a bit of a flirt, he loves to smile and make noises for us as his parents but also for others around him. The other day I was talking to some teenagers at our church and they started to talk to David and he just looked up at them and started to flirt (by this I mean smile) at them it was very cute. They teens thought it was fun too.
When we take out the camera to take pictures of him he turns right towards it and starts to smile and make faces at it. This of course encourages us to take more pictures of him.
David is growing so much that I have again in the last few days gone through his clothes to pull out some more things that he can fit. I think that he will be better dressed then both of us some days. But that's the way it is you spend more time on your childrens clothes then your own. Or at least that's the way it seems.
Heimsoth Family
Am I Cute or What?
So, the weather has been getting colder here in Kamloops lately, which is cool because we have these nifty outfits for David. Yes, it is Baby Long-underwear!!! We have this set on loan from friends, but I think we are going to have to make sure he has a few pairs of his own, because he is incredibly cute in them. He looks like he passed out after a hard day of skiing or something, which I hope you are trying to imagine seeing in your head right now, because my mental image of it is pretty funny. (Since he can only hold his head up for a few minutes at a time, not even getting into the fact that he can't stand up and has, to my knowledge, never seen a pair of skis) All the same, he is really cute and we thought we would share the sight with whoever actually reads this blog.
P.S. He is getting so big, if you look on our flikr pics from when he was first born to now, it's crazy. (for those who are interested, as of our last check up from a week ago, he had grown 3 and a half inches already, and gained about 4 pounds)
Baby Long Underwear