Tuesday, February 28, 2012


End of the day playtime with my two favorite little people.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Weekend Plans

Tomorrow is a inservice day at Davids school, which of course means no school.

This evening as the kids and I started to plan what we would do tomorrow one of the suggestions that David had was "cleaning". Yup you read that right cleaning!

David loves to clean, he always has. I have had both my kids a part of my daily cleaning their whole lives. David has always loved it and get energized by cleaning and organizing. Which I understand because I am the same way. Where as Jaclyn is more like her daddy in were they will clean when it's needed but they won't go looking for something to organize just for fun.
It made me giggle that out of all the things that David talks about missing when he is at school such as playing with his sister, staying in pjs for the day or even watching a movie the one thing he wants to make sure we do on his extra day off is clean.

So it looks like our day tomorrow will include things like, a picnic in the living room, puzzles, reading books together, a movie and cleaning!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentines Day

Every year since David was a baby I have done something little for my kids on Valentines day. Most years the kids wake up to a little surprise waiting for them. There are always something pink or red, hearts and balloons involved. 
This year with Valentines day being on a Tuesday and David in school now I didn't have it ready for them in the morning, instead it was in the afternoon.

 Chris had this wonderful idea to have a treasure hunt for the kids.
He made two maps for them to follow.  The first map was in the living room and it lead them through the house to the bathroom under the sink and then the second one lead them back through the house to the living room to find a box with more little goodies in them. 

 Both kids had a lot of fun and Chris and I really enjoyed watching them.

After the treasure hunt was over and the kids were off playing with their new treasures I made a Valentines dinner for the kids. 
Heart cookies for dessert.

I enjoy doing these fun little suprises for them, I think it makes for great memories.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just Like Auntie

Last week when I was doing Jaclyn's hair I was reminded of Emma my younger sister. When Emma was a little girl my mom and I would do her hair in braids or this fun style that looked like a spiderweb.
I asked Jaclyn if she wanted her hair styled like Auntie Emma use to have it when she was a little girl. The excitement in her voice and the patients that she had was amazing and the end result was beautiful.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Arr....it looks like I may have myself a couple of pirates here.


Sunday, February 05, 2012

Waiting for Summer.

I was just going through some old pictures on our computer and found these that I took with my phone outside of Starbucks one windy day last summer. 

 These pictures make me long for summer to come even if this winter hasn't been too cold.

Almost every time we go into the city both David and Jaclyn ask to make two different stops. One is Starbucks and the other is Toys R Us.
We don't always say yes, but it certainly makes there day when they can go to either of them. And since I have a soft spot for Starbucks, that one has a bit more chance of happening.

I love my little Starbucks junkies!


Thursday, February 02, 2012

Hockey Hair No More

For the last month I have been wanting to cut David's hair. For one reason or another it never seemed to fit into the days, so his hair cut kept getting put off. So Yesterday I decided I just needed to force it into the schedule no matter how many of us were sick and what else we were doing. So David finally had his hair cut. He was happy to have it done and even wanted me to take some pictures of his hair so we could have a set of before and after shots for him.

I always find that when David gets a new hair cut he looks so much older.

Also, much less like a hockey player in the 80's...which is a good thing.
Now to see if I can keep it a little more consistent.
